Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Saint Teresa of Avila and Bernini’s “Ecstasy in Stone”

HAPPY FEAST OF SAINT TERESA OF AVILA (the "O.G. Teresa" of all the Teresas).

Here is a glimpse of the incomparable art of the baroque-era sculptor Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598-1680): a detail from "Saint Teresa in Ecstasy" (just so you notice: that's made out of stone, everybody). This is in the church of Santa Maria della Vittoria, which is, of course, in Rome! The sculpture is inspired by Teresa's account of a mystical experience in her autobiography, of being wounded by the love of God.

But Teresa was very “down-to-earth” in much that she said, and she offers words of hope for all of us. She reminds us that the Lord isnever weary of giving and never can [his] mercies be exhausted. Let us not tire of receiving” (Saint Teresa of Avila).