Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The Spirit of Truth Bears Witness to God’s Love For Us

We have nearly completed our annual celebration of the Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ our Redeemer and the events that happened in our human history that constitute God’s definitive gesture of boundless love for human person and the whole universe. 

God the Father who created all things has spoken—through the Word-made-Flesh—the fulfilling and decisive “word” that draws together the unknown millennia of the past with God’s promises and the victory of Christ, and that touches us in the here-and-now through the Spirit of the Risen Lord. We live, even now, the newness of Life in the Spirit and share with Christ—according to the grace of our Christian vocation and our free correspondence to it—the task of “advancing” the growth of the Kingdom of the God who is Eternal Love.

Jesus reigns in the glory of His own resurrection which He makes present in His Church, gathering all the moments of history and of the present and all those still to come (however long or short the time may be that remains for the history of this present world).

Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and forever!” (Hebrews 13:8)

My graphics are playing with a lot of “light and darkness” themes, because in this year, 2024, the “hundredfold” that we experience in following Jesus has not been without its tribulations.

Yet it is a “hundredfold” of joy for us even in this life, even in the most difficult times. Perhaps it is “hidden” in the gratitude of our hearts as we focus on perseverance. If we are able, it is good and strengthening to take moments to dwell in that gratitude, to “lift up our hearts” to the Lord, to adore Him and marvel at the immeasurable Gift of our being and our vocation and, above all, Himself—from the Cross, in the humility of the Eucharist that feeds us, in His Spirit who makes all things possible.

Come Holy Spirit!