Thursday, July 14, 2022

Slowing Down For Summer

The “Big Event” for Summer 2022 has been accomplished. Lucia and Mike arrived in Spain today to begin their honeymoon. The hot, humid, overgrown, buggy days of late July and August are approaching.

I will have to slow down. I’m very tired. I shall continue to post here as much as I am able. I may need more time than usual to recuperate. These days have been intense and full of complicated emotions underlying the overwhelmingly predominant joy.

It has been a great gift to participate in these days.

Now, we move forward in life, with gratitude to the Lord for everything, following Jesus (or at least seeking to follow Him, wanting to follow Him even though we still so often get lost), calling on the Holy Spirit to be our strength.

Veni Sancte Spiritus / Veni Per Mariam.