Tuesday, February 11, 2020

"World Day of Prayer for the Sick."

I cast this text for today's "World Day of Prayer for the Sick" in two different color schemes. Perhaps neither of them really works all that well, though I am inclined to prefer the second one.

In any case, the words of Pope Francis for this feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes mean a lot to me. As someone who remains one of "the sick" (a fact that still hinders certain aspects of my life), I am grateful to be reminded again of "that gaze into the heart of each person" full of healing and "tender love."

Jesus "embraces people in their entirety" by becoming our brother, which entails also the precious gift he shares with us of his Mother Mary who becomes our companion with all her maternal solicitude.

The motherhood of Mary brings the real humanity of Jesus "close to us," and she remains faithfully with us - as she did with him - in all our sorrows and pain.

Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.