Saturday, September 21, 2019

Tax Collectors and Sinners

"As Jesus passed by, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the customs post. He said to him, 'Follow me.' And he got up and followed him" (Matt 9:9).


Here's a picture some guy painted in Rome. One of those long Eye-talian names, "Pastafagogio" or somethin' like that. It's pretty good, huh?😉

#AWorkOfGenius #OneOfTheG.O.A.T. #CARAVAGGIO

Yes, I know it's Caravaggio. Today is a good day to ponder this epic, soul-gripping painting

I have spent lots of time with the original at San Luigi dei Francesi church in Rome. It's in a mini side chapel in a corner so dark that you can't really see the (already dark) painting without some artificial light.

Don't worry, there's a machine that turns on a light. As I remember, it had to be fed 200 Lire coins every thirty seconds or so. Obviously, it's some denomination of the Euro today (but my son told me that it's still there).

When you go to Rome, see its shadows and hints of light, its collection of faces and postures - tax collectors, sinners, perplexed bystanders, you and me, Peter, Jesus...

Bring plenty of coins.