On the "Sunday of Rejoicing" in the midst of Lent, we are prompted to "hasten toward" the celebration of the Pascal Mystery that is not far off.
And as always the prayer of the Church reminds us that it is the grace of God that gives us everything, even the very capacity to respond to Him in faith and love. God "grants" the "prompt devotion and eager faith" by which we hasten to approach to Him. God "illuminates our hearts" to ponder and love Him.
All this we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord, God's definitive gift to us.
"O God, who through your Word
reconcile the human race to yourself in a wonderful way,
grant, we pray,
that with prompt devotion and eager faith
the Christian people may hasten
toward the solemn celebrations to come.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever."
"O God, who enlighten everyone
who comes into this world,
illuminate our hearts, we pray
with the splendor of your grace,
that we may always ponder
what is worthy and pleasing to your majesty
and love you in all sincerity.
Through Christ our Lord."