Since a picture is worth a thousand words, and I just don't seem to have a thousand words in me right now, I'm going to take the opportunity to show some
pictures! So here's some "life at home" and "life at school" images. As the children grow older, they are increasingly reluctant to be photographed, especially by
me, because they know that any picture I take may end up
here! So I have to be sneaky. The kids don't realize that only five people read this blog, and that one of them is their "Papa" (their grandfather, "Hi Dad!").
Before this rambling introduction gets to be a thousand words in itself, here we go:
Josefina has strapped on these binoculars on so she can have super vision (and look silly) |
What is it, a space monster? !! |
There's Teresa snuggling Alex, our "outdoor cat"! By the way, Alex is now a grandmother. One of her kittens that we gave away to friends just had her own kittens. |
Teenagers avoiding camera. "Daddy I can't believe you put that picture up!" They will say when they see it. Oh well, we've got two thirds of Agnese's face here, hahaha! |
The beautiful world we live in... a few weeks ago, before Spring started. |
Alexandra and her daughter Reepicheep, our two OUTDOOR cats, eating fancy-pantsy cat food instead of going out to hunt for mice. This is something like "grilled salmon with cream sauce and portobello mushrooms." Its nice that they allow us to live in their house, lol! |
That would be this house here. Ah, the humble abode! Yes, its small by American standards for our family, but thank God we have what we need, and He takes care of us. So we bump into each other a lot. That's not such a bad thing. |
But we have to be careful where we sit. You never know where you might find a little person taking a nap. |
The kids (in 2013) can still fit in the old Toyota minivan.... |
Although they had more room in 2004 (from left to right, baby Teresa, Agnese, John Paul, Lucia). Josefina didn't exist yet, which is mind-blowing even to imagine. |
Back to 2013: Here's the little Missy in the school hallway. With a straw hat from somewhere. |
And here's Teresa, lovelier than all the flowers |
The lovely Lucia, busy at school |
Three of our beautiful girls |
And a handsome young man who is their brother (Go Caps!) |
The little one is always up to something. Josefina's restaurant is open. "Hey Mister, what do wanna eat!" |
At the Montessori Center, Jojo examines some coral |
Then, of course, there are the parents who love each other very much, and who are grateful to God. |
Flowers. Have a beautiful day. :) |