So find the place in yourself where you know that you are nothing and begin to pray from out of that place.
He Loved Them To The End . . . .
Beloved Jesus, I adore You.
Here is Your Love
to the end….
to the silence,
to the smallness,
to the inside of every moment.
This is Your Glory:
Love inexhaustible
poured out in earthen vessels;
Love Creator of the burning stars;
Love Creator of the angels—
those great, gigantic, magnificent, comprehending spirits.
Love Creator of man….
master of the earth and its things,
yet a tiny speck under the sky;
image of God,
dust and ashes.
great and miserable,
hungry man, hungry with a thousand hungers….
Beloved Jesus, I adore You.
Here is Your Love;
Here is Your Glory:
Love inexhaustible
poured out in earthen vessels;
Love beyond all measure
become a morsel of food and drink
in our tiny mouths.
Given and given, poured out and broken.
Glory to You, Love Eternal!