Monday, February 10, 2025

Christina Grimmie Seems So Long Ago...

Eight years and eight months ago, Christina Grimmie passed away. Once again, this day, I remember her and honor her legacy.

We live in strange times. The particular and peculiar characteristics of our world in one sense don't appear so different now than they did on that awful summer night in June 2016. In other senses, however, the previous decade seems very long ago indeed. Many things appear to be changing rapidly, and we analyze and struggle and fight with one another over what these changes mean. We are overloaded with conflicting narratives, alleged information, and relentless images and sounds, but we don't seem to be growing in wisdom and understanding. Do we intend to push forward recklessly into every technological possibility, driven by our urge for ever-greater power (and ever-greater profits)? Do we think we won’t be held accountable for the oppression and suffering of all the human persons we push aside as we plow over the world pursuing our inflamed ambitions?

We will never be able to make by our own hands any thing that can love us in the way each one of us so desperately needs to be loved. We have been created as persons, to love and to be loved. We are given to ourselves and to one another, children of the Mystery who is Love, who has loved us, and who has made us brothers and sisters. Whatever we do, whatever we make from our own work and cleverness has value insofar as it expresses our free response of gratitude and love to the One who in this very moment gives us our existence and our ineradicable dignity. Now and always, to live is to remember, rejoice, and grow in this gift of love.

Such was (and remains) the vitality of the brief beautiful life of Christina Grimmie. So I have once again endeavored (with technological tools and much “work”) to craft a portrait of her unforgettable face. Having reached the limits of my own energy and weakness, I can only share my work (above) with love and gratitude to God for Christina and for all of you who see and read the poor fruits of my efforts.

Last month I wrote about the “new ways” of portraiture. There are many digital tricks that seem amazing, but they are mostly superficial. The capacities of AI keep multiplying, but I only find it more and more frustrating and complicated to work photographs into worthwhile artistic expressions. Media tools that are supposed to increase accessibility can just as easily lead to bewilderment. Maybe for me this is just part of growing old.

Still, my efforts are on a very basic scale. I can't imagine what implications the new technologies will have on the processes and organization of governments, though it appears that nations are plunging headlong into the vast experiment. We think we see where we are going, but are we blind to our own blindness? God have mercy on us all!

Christina Grimmie's risks in music and media took her in directions she never could have imagined, to earthly successes and to the unexpected circumstances that resulted in the tragic and violent end of her earthly life. But her efforts were shaped by the boldness of love for the One who created her, redeemed her, and called her to Himself. 

She is a sign of what ultimately matters, what gives meaning to successes and failures, to strength and powerlessness, to hope for all of life that cries out for eternity.