Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Saint Thérèse: Trust Brings Us to Love

"C’est la confiance et rien que la confiance qui doit nous conduire à l’Amour" (Saint Thérèse of Lisieux).

"It is trust that brings us to love and thus sets us free from fear. It is trust that helps us to stop looking to ourselves and enables us to put into God’s hands what he alone can accomplish. Doing so provides us with an immense source of love and energy for seeking the good of our brothers and sisters. And so, amid the suffering of her last days, Therese was able to say: 'I count only on love.' In the end, only love counts. Trust makes roses blossom and pours them forth as an overflow of the superabundance of God’s love. Let us ask, then, for such trust as a free and precious gift of grace, so that the paths of the Gospel may open up in our lives" (Pope Francis, Apostolic Exhortation C'est La Confiance 45 [October 2023]).